Tuesday, January 16, 2007

mediacity:uk – what do we get out of it ?

There’s all sorts of figures kicking around and you can believe them or not but all the organisations involved say mediacity:uk will create space for potentially 1,500 businesses and 1,500 `trainee posts’ a year. As far as jobs and financial gain goes, it gets a bit wonky…

Mark Thompson, Director General of the BBC, said in a speech to the RSA last March…”The NWDA believes that the new centre will create an additional 4,400 jobs in total and add a further £1.5bn to the regional economy over 10 years.”

When Manchester City Council was bidding for the Beeb it commissioned research which showed 6,600 `high order jobs’ directly plus 1,000 jobs across the city and 1,100 jobs around the north west.

The NWDA itself states officially that mediacity:uk has “the potential to create up to 10,000 jobs and add £170m a year to the regional economy…”

mediacity:uk states officially that there will be “employment opportunities for 15,500 people” and the “creation of £225m a year in additional net value added” (whatever that means)…

The Manchester Evening News is getting carried away completely, citing a figure of “30,000 jobs”


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