“I just hate the fact that rock is considered amusing…and everything has to be a parody and pastiche…and that it’s all a joke, because it never was” says Permissive’s songwriter and guitarist, Joe Parkinson “Rock music just has to affect people because that’s what rock music does…”
The Permissives play rock that’s organic, shot through with home town Salford but kissing the world. For an idea of the sound, think The Kinks dunked in the Irwell for a few days and left to dry out in Shaun Ryder’s head. It certainly impressed Madonna and Aerosmith svengali, Seymour Stein, who saw the four-piece band at In The City and asked to be kept in touch.
“He was really into it” says Joe “Live, we’re really energetic and challenging because our singer, Sean, is completely nuts. He likes to break down that divide with the audience. We do get quite a following through our live antics and it’s definitely growing.”
The Permissive’s profile picked up previously when they opened Mick Rock’s photography exhibition at Urbis, and became an on-stage fixture for two weeks at Contact Theatre using their songs as a soundtrack for the anti-play, Grace. The band have also packed out smaller Manc venues like Charlie’s, The Roadhouse and Night and Day. Now they are in the studio making demos, some of which are on line at Check out tracks called Fighting Crime and On The Mend to hear what the Permissives are all about. It’s rock music that affects.
Check for further details.
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